Well, a little bit. There is, of course, room to mention that Little Frog is doing very well and "chubbing out" in all the right places. (Dimpled elbows and dimpled knees -- love 'em.) He's getting very good at holding his head up for brief periods of time and is already fitting into clothes that were too big for him two weeks ago. The Contented Little Baby routine has gone out the window a little bit, because Little Frog seemed to hit his first growth spurt a couple of days after we'd started and all his feedings went haywire. The book was good to get an idea of the sort of day a baby could have, and in that way it's helped us find our own routine, but I'm not really reading it any more.
Back to the writing-related subject, and I'm pleased to share with you the first two reviews of A TASTE OF SUMMER, both of which are wonderfully complimentary. Review number one is from Maura at Coffee Time Romance. She gave the book 4 coffee cups, which means "outstanding great read ... you would like to keep to read again in the future". Among other things, she said:
[One Shore Thing] is a very upbeat and entertaining romance ... and the development of [Noah and Carrie's] romance is very well written.
You can read Maura's review in full by clicking here.
The second review is from Robyn at Once Upon a Romance. She also rated the book 4 out of 5, which means "excellent -- definitely worth reading". Here's a preview of her lovely comments:
A truly sweet romance awaits the reader. Carrie ... brings out the mother bear instinct in the reader. Noah is one of the genuine nice guys that we all hope to meet ... and what a bonus that he’s good looking, too. A Taste of Summer is ... something perfect for the dog days of summer.
You can read Robyn's review in full by clicking here.
In honour of these two lovely reviews, I've decided to run a little contest. All you have to do is look at the following photo, modelled by Little Frog, and think up a funny caption to go with it. Leave your caption as a comment on this post and on 1st August I'll pick my favourite. The winner will receive an e-book copy of A TASTE OF SUMMER. One entry per person, please. Good luck!

Just finished reading: The Villa by Nora Roberts
Size four please.
LOL Ray-Anne
What a cute photo!
'Boy am I glad they chucked that Contented Little Baby book in the bin..."
Hey Jess. I know a truckload of people who have also (aherm) thrown books in bin! Great move Mommy and great reviews!
"Vrooommmm, vrrrrroooooooooooommmmmmmm, vrrroooooooooooommmmmmmm, putt-putt-putt, vroooooooooooommmm, vrrrooooooommmm--- Gee, why won't this bassinett go any faster?"
"Waitress! Waitress! Well, what else am I s'posed to use when my arms aren't long enough?"
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