Friday, July 29

In the beginning...

Well, since everyone else is blogging, I thought I would too. I've read in a million books about writing that the more you do it, the easier it becomes, so this can only do good, I suppose. I'll try and find a way of linking my blog to that of Nell Dixon, who is my critique partner and an extremely talented writer.

So here's a quick summary of where I stand with my writing. Last year I sold a short story to a national women's magazine, which was printed in January of this year. I have stacks of copies in my attic (so does my Mum...). I've stopped and started numerous stories since then, but at the moment I am working on a romance that I first conceived of two years ago. It's set in a haunted country mansion in the English countryside (Buckinghamshire, to be precise -- where I live), owned by the guy the girl was in love with when she was sixteen. Chapter One is done so far, and Chapter Two is halfway.

I'll also mention that I am at the moment in the middle of moving house, so it's likely that future posts may contain moans about the conveyancing process...

1 comment:

Kate Allan said...

Welcome to blogging! I found your blog through Nell Dixon's.