I've been tagged by Nell again -- this time for a "Sevens" list, so here it is:
Seven things to do before I die:1. Get a book published.
2. Go to New York.
3. Lay to rest my regrets in life.
4. Have children.
5. Save enough money for retirement (pensions crisis = pretty scary).
6. Learn to play the drums (but I just know I'll never do this!).
7. Live somewhere in America for a while.
Seven things that attracted me to my other half:1. His eyes.
2. The way he looked rat-pack funky in a black shirt and tie.
3. His light-hearted approach to life.
4. His kindness and generosity not just to me, but to my family as well.
5. The fact that my dog loved him on sight.
6. His 'guy' smell.
7. That something about him that makes me feel relaxed and calm, which I still can't explain.
Seven books I love most:1.
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Truth or Consequences by Diana Duncan
The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge
Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani
Blood Work by Michael Connelly
The Probable Future by Alice Hoffman
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare (I know, it's really a play...)
Seven films I love most:1. One Fine Day
2. Hope Floats
3. Mallrats
4. Romancing the Stone
5. Stand By Me
6. Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet
7. The Goonies
Seven things I can't do:1. Stop day-dreaming.
2. Eat at a fancy restaurant.
3. Dance in front of others without first having drunk alcohol.
4. Cook a steak to perfection.
5. Drink beer.
6. Let go of both handlebars when riding a bike.
7. The Atkins Diet. (No pasta, rice, or noodles? No chance.)
Seven words or phrases I say most often:1. What shall we have for dinner?
2. Popple! (Usually in tone of shock, after the dog has burped.)
3. I need a new book.
4. Thank you.
5. Hi Buttmunch.
6. Simon! (Usually in tone of impatience, after I have discovered upright toilet seat.)
7. Good morning/afternoon "
insert company name"
So there we have it! These things are meant to be passed on, so I will tag anyone who reads this entry to do Sevens in a comment box.
Just finished reading: Something Blue by Emily Giffin