Here lies my opus. 258 pages of words all written by me! It's still very strange. I flick through it and read random phrases -- ("He backed up against the wall..." // "...could recite them in his sleep..." // "She loved that he was asking..." // "...smudgy with dirt, dust, and cobwebs..." // "...the more he saw himself through her eyes..") -- and I can't remember writing some of them, or am not sure what scene it's in, or what's going on. I see one page filled with words and think, "How the hell did I write 258 of these?!"
Still, it's all good. But now is where the hard work starts. First I need to read the whole thing in one go, preferably in one sitting, to see if the story, characters, and scenes flow naturally. I will have to try my hardest not to make any changes on that read... After that I'll go into editing mode (Nell, you'll be my life-raft, you know you will!) and start shaping it into its final form.
Isn't it funny to go back and find things you don't remember at all, let alone writing it? *g*
Nice stack of paper, hope the editing goes well :o)
Sometimes it seems like someone else wrote the novel, doesn't it?
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