I only ask because I've done more ironing in the last ten days than I have in the last two years!
I've always hated ironing and thought of it as a very boring activity that I'd much rather swap for cleaning the toilet. Truly.
But recently I've been pressing and steaming away, mainly for a lack of other things to do. It's quite tedious sitting at home and waiting for Flump to get moving. There's only so much walking I can do each day and I'm loathe to go to the shops because (a) sitting in a driving seat is too uncomfortable; and (b) I don't want to spend unnecessary money. So I've been ironing almost anything I can get my hands on while simultaneously watching episodes of CSI that I've stored up in our Sky Plus planner. It's been quite soothing. But what scares me most is...
...I've actually been enjoying it.
Am I normal? Or has pregnancy turned me into a happy little 1950s housewife?
Just finished reading: The Laws of Attraction by Sherryl Woods
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Did you see my post on Judy's blog? I went manic with the cleaning just two days before CJ appeared. Watch out, Jess...
P x
DEFINITELY. It's also bona fide mum hormones taking control - you'll never shake the ironing bug now. Before you know it you'll be wearing rubber gloves and polishing your front door brass with gusto, stocking up the freezer with hearty soups etc. You mark my words girl, you're body has been taken over by MUM vibes. jx P.S. My biggest mum trait is having a hanky for little noses EVERYWHERE I go. It's now a trademark. Oh and a spare pare of small knickers.
Its definitely getting close! I nested but then lost the cleaning bug pretty quickly there after :-)
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