Last spring I planted three fruit trees in my garden -- a Peregrine peach, a Sunburst sweet cherry, and a Worcester Pearmain apple. We didn't expect them to do much in their first year, and although none of them blossomed, the peach tree did produce a couple of small fruits.
A few weeks ago the peach tree started to sprout a few pink blossoms. Then, earlier this week, I saw one or two white buds on the cherry tree. A few days later, and the picture you see above is how it looks today. Isn't it pretty? The apple tree is also covered in green shoots so I'll have to see if we get any blossom on that too, and if so, what colour it will be.
On to another subject, and I realize I didn't do an update for the Top 100 Favourite Romances list this week. This is partly to do with the laptop troubles I've had. Once I've reloaded the database of current votes on to The Bloke's laptop and added in all the latest votes I'll post a new current Top Five -- hopefully in the next couple of days. I'm still taking nominations for the next couple of weeks, by the way!
Just finished reading: The Redemption of Matthew Quinn by Kathleen O'Brien
Just had to say - I love the Redemption of Matthew Quinn. Tis on my keeper shelf - dunno why but it just hooked me from the start. Think I must go read it again...erm only I can't. Cos I've just started Haunted Hearts (hurrah!), and I'm loving it. See knew there was a good reason! jx P.S. Be My Hero is next too.
Ah -- I am so jealous of your blossoms!!!
The blossom is gorgeous, isn't it? This weekend has been idyllic. Haddon Hall, as you saw, was wonderful. Fat sheep, tulips... very therapeutic!
Love the blossoms! Where has the sun gone today though????
Gorgeous blossoms! :)
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