The revisions of HH are completely done now -- both my own edits and those from using Nell's chapter critiques, and all I have to do now is one last read-through before printing it out ready to send to the NWS. That's top of my To Do list for tomorrow's Writing Wednesday.
Random noticings from last night's TV:
1. I am getting increasingly irritated by the number of times Grace and Lisa in Big Brother feel they have to insert the word "f******" into their sentences.
2. The last scene of the ER season finale with Luka and Abby was a big fat dramatic tearjerker, to say the least (and I must track down the song that played behind it).
3. The Punisher is a film which, though very violent, has some funny parts and one hell of a gorgeous leading man -- although you wouldn't really guess it from his profile picture on IMDB. So to save you some work, look here and behold the rather luscious Thomas Jane:

Just finished reading: Living Dangerously by Katie Fforde
v. nice pic! Can't wait to see the brainstorm doc
Yes gorgeous pic! Hope you enjoy the Katie Fforde - I love her work.
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