Tuesday, June 6

The Guardians

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, my sunburn from the weekend has finally faded, and I'm working on ideas for my next book, which at the moment is titled something roughly like the above. (How weird is that, saying "my next book"? Yeeshk...) I'm feeling excited about it already but the book involves some legal wrangling -- on my characters' parts, I hasten to add, not my own-- so at the moment I'm trying to think of different ways of making the setup believable and as near-true as I can get it. Don't worry, Nell, you'll get my rambling brainstorm document soon -- haven't seen one of those for a while, have you?! :) :)

The revisions of HH are completely done now -- both my own edits and those from using Nell's chapter critiques, and all I have to do now is one last read-through before printing it out ready to send to the NWS. That's top of my To Do list for tomorrow's Writing Wednesday.

Random noticings from last night's TV:

1. I am getting increasingly irritated by the number of times Grace and Lisa in Big Brother feel they have to insert the word "f******" into their sentences.

2. The last scene of the ER season finale with Luka and Abby was a big fat dramatic tearjerker, to say the least (and I must track down the song that played behind it).

3. The Punisher is a film which, though very violent, has some funny parts and one hell of a gorgeous leading man -- although you wouldn't really guess it from his profile picture on IMDB. So to save you some work, look here and behold the rather luscious Thomas Jane:

Just finished reading: Living Dangerously by Katie Fforde


Nell Dixon said...

v. nice pic! Can't wait to see the brainstorm doc

Phillipa said...

Yes gorgeous pic! Hope you enjoy the Katie Fforde - I love her work.