Tuesday, March 27

Falling for Forensics

Now that I've agreed with myself to shelve You Don't Know Jack, I've been taking things a bit easier. I have a new idea that I'm currently exploring -- working title of which is Wisteria Cottage -- but other than that I've been reading, napping, catching up with paperwork, and watching many episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

The seventh series of CSI has recently started here in the UK, on the Five channel, but I only watched it for the first time a few weeks ago. I, or should I say we, got hooked straightaway. The Bloke and I have watched the Miami and New York versions when there isn't anything else on, but for us, original Vegas is the best. We're also fortunate enough to have Sky Plus, and since both old and new episodes of CSI are playing on three different channels, we've series-linked all of them so that there's always a nice little bunch sitting in the planner for us to watch when there isn't anything else we fancy.

So, do you watch CSI? If so, which is your favourite team -- Las Vegas, Miami, or New York?

Just finished reading: Swept Away by Karen Templeton


Laura Hamby said...

Leaving you a CyberSmile of Goodwill. :)

Yes, I watch CSI. I prefer the Vegas and NY ones. The Miami one sometimes annoys me.

Lis said...

I watch CSI, usually wait till summer to catch up on all the new episodes b/c its run so many times here. Favorite hands down is the Vegas one followed by Miami. I just don't like the cast of the NYC one.

Jessica Raymond said...

I must say that New York is the one I've seen the least. I'm not so keen on the Miami characters; in fact, my favourite thing about that series is probably the quality of the cinematography, e.g. the gorgeous bright colours of the sea, the palm trees, etc. Vegas definitely has the best team and storylines, IMO.

Jess x