Popple is a 5-year-old Jack Russell. She is also a freak. Among other things, she:
- Loves drinking tea
- Burps a lot
- Hates football on TV but is quite partial to the live-action 101 Dalmatians film
- Sneezes more than any dog I've ever known
- Smiles when you scratch her chin and behind her ears
- Occasionally freaks out for no reason and starts running in circles or up and down the stairs at high speed, tail tucked under her bum like a greyhound
- Sometimes gets hiccups

I got her when she was six months old, from a family who didn't want her any more. Her name was Scampi then, but I changed it to Popple, which I thought suited her. A Popple was a kind of toy my sister and I had when we were a young -- a fluffy bear-type thing that could turn itself into a ball. Funnily enough, the name suits Popple quite well because when it's cold she will curl herself up into a little ball right next to you and keep you warm. We call this the "Doughnut Dog".
I have a terrible habit of improvising on names, so some of the other things she gets called are:
- Pupa
- Buttmunch
- Pickle
- Piggle T.
- Piglettina
- Little Shemille
- Mini-Freak
- The Cuteness
- Pupini
- Poplington
- Popplino
- Minnie Mouse Head (because of the pattern of her fur)
- Foxface
- Applebutt
- Pigsville
- Mini-Minx
- Little Ribena
- Pork Chop
- Monchichi
She is indeed a freak, but I love her very much!
1 comment:
Ahhhhhh :)
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