Thursday, January 11

Goal Fulfilled

I committed to a goal of finishing the second chapter of One Shore Thing yesterday, and quite happily, I did it! I don't always get things done and dusted when I plan to, but when I do, it always makes me feel good. OST is now over halfway done (see word counter) and I am really enjoying writing it.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get chapter three started today because I never did any of my monster filing yesterday, plus I need to finish having a clearout and put some bits and pieces on eBay. Sigh...


Anonymous said...

Well done. Bet it feels good!

Let me know how the ebay goes. I'm frightened out it.


Jessica Raymond said...

It went pretty well. I sold a bunch of stuff that was cluttering up my shelves and made about £30, which can't be sniffed at! It's definitely worth a try if you need to have a clear-out.

Jess x